Curriculum Information
Students will undertake 4 weeks of rigorous coursework regarding Advocacy & Public Policy (Introduction, Analysis, Frameworks) and then use what they learned through a 4 week apprenticeship with a partner organization.
Benefits of APPL Include:
Advancing skills needed for future careers
Real-life experience to make you stand out
Improved reading, writing, and researching skills
Opportunity to diversify your resume
Chance to earn a certification
Completing a final project
The ability to learn and apply your knowledge
Making a difference in your community
Why should I join APPL?
Unit 1: You & Society
Who are you, in the US political sphere? This week, you will learn how an individual and society at large interacts, how the US government works and its theoretical foundations, as well as the communication skills needed to make an impact in society.
Unit 2: Analyzing Society
How do we use numbers to understand the society we’re in? This week will reflect on economics and statistics so that students have an understanding of these vital concepts
Unit 3: Frameworks & Debates
Every argument has a ideology, a thought process behind it. How do we find that thought process, as well as strengthen our own arguments? This week will go over philosophy as well as how to debate.
Unit 4: Experiencing Project Management
In order for anything to be accomplished, it needs a plan. We will learn the fundamentals of Project Management through experienced based learning, such as Mission & Vision, KPIs, Goals & Objectives, etc.